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Reform Pay Equity Initiative

On average, women working full time in the United States are paid just 80 percent of what men in comparable positions are paid. Sadly, the gender pay gap exists also within Jewish institutions at similar rates. The leadership of the Reform Movement recognizes this problem and has created the Reform Pay Equity Initiative to create change on this critical social justice issue. 

Below please select either EMPLOYER or EMPLOYEE to what best defines your role in the hiring process. There you will find educational resources, examples of best practices, and comprehensive tools to help close the gender wage within our community and beyond.

While the Initiative is geared towards Reform Jewish institutions, the featured materials are beneficial to anyone participating in the hiring process and tackling the issue of pay equity. 

Thank you to the Jewish Women's Foundation of New York

This initiative, focused on combating the gender pay gap with the Reform Jewish community and beyond, is made possible due to the generous grant provided by the Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York.

Negotiation Skills for Women

There are several false assumptions about gender and negotiation – that women do not negotiate; that women cannot negotiate effectively; and that women should not negotiate. In fact, these are myths.

This is here to help to combat these myths and allow fair negotiation to occur. 

The first gathering of the Reform Pay Equity Initiative in 2016. 17 different Reform Movement organizations were represented.
The first gathering of the Reform Pay Equity Initiative in 2016. 17 different Reform Movement organizations were represented.

Thank you to our partners

The Reform Pay Equity Initiative is made up of 17 different organizations within the Reform Movement. These organizations include: American Conference of Cantors (ACC), Association of Reform Jewish Educators (ARJE), Advancing Temple Institutional Development (ATID), American Reform Zionist Association (ARZA), Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), Commission on Social Action (CSA), Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism (ECE-RJ), Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), Men of Reform Judaism (MRJ), National Association for Temple Administration (NATA), Program and Engagement Professionals of Reform Judaism (PEP-RJ), Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC), Reform Pension Board (RPB), Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), Women’s Rabbinic Network (WRN), and World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ).

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